The following Case Studies (CS) have been worked on by the LOGGED-ON team in the partner countries. The Case Studies outlined below are an integral part of the LOGGED-ON project and are a direct response to the partners State-of-Art reports. Our aim is that the the Case Studies will show how the partners have used technology in the classroom to empower and engage students in their learing.
Over the course of the project the Case Studies have been updated with our findings as we researched how students learn better using technology. These findings are freely available on the LOGGED-ON website and have been presented as In-Service training courses in either Ennis, Ireland (October 24th-25th 2017) or in Haugesund, Norway (April 25th-26th 2018). |
Case Study reports:
The Case Studies below indicate what the LOGGED-ON partners have been working on. As the project has progressed and new technologies became available we have updated the overview and included them in our In-service training courses.
These Case Studies include; Digital Texbooks, Flipped Classroom (both low and high tech), Dynamic ways of tuition using Web 2.0, the use of QR-codes in the workshop and classroom, Lecture Capture, Plickers and other quizz applications, Google mail and Google Classroom apps for students, an Institutional YouTube channel for uploading video tutorials, adequate school Wi-Fi connectivity, anatomy apps, using Twitter with students and Wordpress as a platform for sharing, Geolocations and using 3D technology with students.
The Combined Case Study Summary presents the work of the LOGGED-ON partners and our conclusions at the end of the project.
You can also read each partner's individual Case Study reports by clicking on the flags below.
These Case Studies include; Digital Texbooks, Flipped Classroom (both low and high tech), Dynamic ways of tuition using Web 2.0, the use of QR-codes in the workshop and classroom, Lecture Capture, Plickers and other quizz applications, Google mail and Google Classroom apps for students, an Institutional YouTube channel for uploading video tutorials, adequate school Wi-Fi connectivity, anatomy apps, using Twitter with students and Wordpress as a platform for sharing, Geolocations and using 3D technology with students.
The Combined Case Study Summary presents the work of the LOGGED-ON partners and our conclusions at the end of the project.
You can also read each partner's individual Case Study reports by clicking on the flags below.